Notable Holes – Rockland Golf Club #9 West

Photo: Scott MacLeod (

It has stricken fear into golfers at Canadian Amateur and PGA of Canada Club Pro Championships, as well as on a daily basis for members and guests for many, many years.

While not long at 347 yards from the very back tees, the 9th hole on the West Course at Rockland Golf Club (Rockland, Ontario) still manages to do damage to scorecards each and every day. With a green site that is highly visible from the patio, there is often something most amateurs are not used to – a gallery of curious onlookers. It’s not uncommon to prompt a clap or cheer with a high quality approach, but the dreaded group groan is heard on an almost equal basis.

The dogelg right hole does not require a long tee shot, something in the 200-220 yard range will find a nice landing spot, but it must avoid a jut of water on the right and the tree-line to the left. From there is where things get dicey for many golfers.

The approach does not have any choice but to be airborne, lest it find a watery grave in the pond that is found between the fairway and peninsula-like, raised green surface. It’s often just a shot of 120 yards, depending on the hole location, but the margin for error is slim. Some extra grass does provide a sloped surround for the green, but watching your ball head on a wayward line is certain to cause some anxiety.

That all said, conquering this hole, which often serves as the 18th hole of a round, does provide a profound feeling of success and provides related stories to tell for years to come.