Golf Ontario Names Chris Fry as Director of Marketing and Communications

Chris Fry

As one of the oldest and largest golf organizations in the world, it is incumbent on Golf Ontario to always be looking to embrace the future. To do so not only requires vision, but also the right people in place to execute it.

That is reflected in today’s announcement of Chris Fry joining the Provincial Sports Organization as their new Director of Marketing and Communications. He will formally begin his role on February 12.

Marketing and communications have taken a major turn in direction over recent times, and many would agree that Fry is perfectly suited to take on the task with his wealth of skills.

Most recently the Founder and Creator of Albatross Images, the graduate of the Humber College Journalism program has risen through a number of positions to become an award-winning journalist.

His photography has garnered much recognition within the annual Golf Journalists Association of Canada annual awards, with his work being featured in a multitude of print and digital platforms.

Fry’s tenure in the golf industry has included various roles with the ScoreGolf, the PGA of Canada, and TaylorMade Golf Canada.

At heart he is story-teller, with emphasis on the visual medium, but he skilled in all manners of communications, making him a solid choice to convey the Golf Ontario messages to a golf market that is shifting younger in its demographic.

“Joining Golf Ontario represents a dream convergence of my professional expertise and my personal passion for golf,” says Fry. “I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to lead Golf Ontario’s marketing and communications strategies, ensuring they resonate with golfers of all levels and backgrounds.”

Equally excited about Fry taking on the role is Golf Ontario CEO, Kyle McFarlane, who has known Fry for many years. “We are thrilled to welcome Chris to the Golf Ontario team. His extensive experience and passion for the game make him the ideal candidate to head our marketing and communications efforts, helping us embark on the next chapter for the association.”