Happy Holidays. Wishing The Best of The Season to All!

It’s hard to believe that 2022 is coming to a close. Since 1996 we have been sharing the stories of golf from Canada’s National Capital, Ottawa, and this was another outstanding season. Golf continued to thrive in 2022 and that made us very busy on Flagstick.com and all our platforms.

Our staff will be taking some much-needed time with their families in the next little while, and you will see a little less activity on our social media channels until the turn of the calendar to the new year.

At this time, we’d like to thank every reader/listener that has made all our outlets a part of their routine. We are grateful for your support of Flagstick Golf Magazine, Flagstick.com, the FGM Digest Newsletter, the Flagstick Podcast, and Ontario Golf News Digest (in partnership with Golf Ontario).

We’d like to thank all the businesses who also looked to us to support their marketing efforts. We thank you for your partnerships and look to providing you more ways to engage the golf community in 2023 and beyond. We have been told that we have one of the strongest connections to the Canadian golf community among golf media and if you’d like to be part of that, please reach out to be part of all we have planned for the year ahead.

We wish you and your loved ones all the best for a safe and happy holiday and look forward to connecting with you again in the New Year.

Happy Holidays!